İzmir Boyozu

Product Name: Boyoz (Bakery Product)

Name of Geographical Indication: İzmir Boyozu

Type of Geographical Indication: Mahreç Indication

Geographical Limit: Izmir

RG Release date:   

Date of Registration: { 08.12.2017

History, Definition and Distinctive Features of the Product: İzmir Boyoz is a type of pastry that has been produced since the Ottoman period in İzmir, where various cultures interact. Izmir Boyoz made in houses has a history of 500 years. It has been started to being traded recently .

İzmir Boyozu is obtained by baking the dough prepared with wheat flour, water and salt after giving a round-bellied shape. The product is slightly caramelized, not uncooked or burnt. There are no defects in the structure of the product such as scattering or breaking. Its shape is round and each product is produced in similar sizes. It is 7-9 cm in diameter and 2.5-3.5 cm in thickness. No burns, no foreign taste or odor. It is easily dispersed in the mouth, neither too hard nor too soft.

Production Method:

After the flour, water and salt are kneaded into dough, the dough is rested at room temperature (about 20-25 ºC) for 10-15 minutes by covering with a clean and slightly damp cloth. The rested dough is cut into 250-350 grams pieces and given a sphere shape called en meringue ( '' beze'' ) Then the gauze is opened / spread by gently pressing with hand or finger on the counter with the connection parts on top of each other. Pastry oil used in the pastry industry is placed on one of these doughs. This oil should not be of a very soft, fluid structure or a very hard solid structure. The oil-free dough is sealed on top of the greased dough and the edges are evenly joined to integrate with each other. The amount of fat to be used for this process is calculated according to the total weight of the two pieces of dough. This oil content is in the range of 8-10%. A small amount of sunflower oil is applied to the upper and lower parts of the prepared dough. Leave to rest for about 10-15 minutes at room temperature with a clean, slightly damp cloth. The rested dough is first expanded on the workbench by pressing the edges and inner part evenly with a roller. It should be noted that the edges of the dough and the inner part of the dough are almost the same thickness. Then, the dough should be turned into a circle by hand turning it in the air and this process should be continued until it becomes thin. When the dough reaches the fineness, it is laid on the counter with approximately half of it on the counter. Sprinkle with a small amount of sunflower oil. The dough portion hanging down from the edge of the counter is folded over the other dough on the counter. The dough on the counter is held at the right and left ends respectively and folded towards the middle of the dough. After this process , which is done for two sides respectively , the dough is folded towards the middle of the opposite side of the counter and after this process is repeated one more time, the folded dough is pressed lightly and rolled by hand from top to bottom into a long cylinder.Obtained cylindrical dough is covered with clean and slightly damp cloth at room temperature and rested for 10-15 minutes. The long cylindrical dough is cut by hand and pressed from the middle parts of the dough towards the central part of the dough to form the so-called “core kısım. Place in the baking pan and press lightly on the dough to form a round shape and allow to rest for 10-15 minutes at room temperature. Before baking the prepared dough in the oven, sprinkle a small amount of sunflower structure and bake in the oven at about 180-200 ° C for about 15-25 minutes until a slightly caramelized color is reached. The product taken out of the oven is kept at room temperature until it cools down and becomes ready for service.

It is recommended to be consumed immediately after production. If it is not to be consumed immediately, it can be stored in a closed environment at room temperature with a clean cloth for 1-1.5 days. In this way, the stored product can be warmed and served.

Water content is 55-60% of the amount of flour to be used. The salt content is 3.5-4% of the amount of flour to be used.

