Çeşme Museum

One of the historical and cultural values worth visiting is the Çeşme Castle. Cesme Castle was built in the era of Beyazıt the Second Sultan in 1508 . It was built by governor of Aydın , Mehmet Haydar and his son Mehmet. The fortress is well preserved to this day and contains the Çeşme Archeology Museum in it . Çeşme Museum was opened for the first time in 1965 with the guns brought from the Istanbul Topkapı Museum as a gun museum and continued until 1984. As the weapons in the museum began to deteriorate due to excessive moisture in the hall, they were transferred to İzmir Archeology and Ödemiş museums. The same exhibition hall has been organized since 1964 in the ancient city of Ildiri (Erythrai)and contains artifacts from the rescue excavations are exhibited.
In addition, the military and civilian buildings uncovered in the village of Ildiri in the ancient city of Erythrai are exhibited and can be visited free of charge.