27 Km. away from Izmir - Karsiyaka city center, the Karagöl Mesire Area, which is famous for its Tantalos legend, is a natural wonder formed around a crater lake at an altitude of 810 meters and with a surface area of 35 hectares. It has a beautiful and peaceful view with ducks swimming in water and willow trees bending their leaves onto water. The picnic area is covered with red pine, larch and willow trees.
As well as being a small and cute lake among verdant forests, Karagöl is also a place mythology. People of İzmir were living around Karagöl before they settled in Bayraklı. According to the legend; The Phrygian King Tantalus, who was from İzmir, lived with the Phrygian people on Spilios Mountain, which extends from Smyrna (İzmir) to Magnesia (Manisa), and he ruled the state spreading in Western Anatolia. Mount Spilios has a very fertile soil and rich mineral deposits. Tantalus, the only person who was allowed to sit on the feast table of the gods, has come under the wrath of the gods of Mount Olympus. Tantalus, believing in the Anatolian goddess Kibele, despised the gods of the Hellenic world, and therefore was sentenced to a great punishment. Tantalus was thrown from a crevice of Spilios Mountain and sent to the god of death Hades, where he was condemned to eternal hunger and thirst by Zeus, and this punishment was called Tantalus Torture in every corner of the world and the word “tantalize” was derived from his name and his punishment. In fact also the historian Homer impressively described the suffering of his fellow townsman Tantalus in Odysseia. Tantalus was thrown into the lake and this lake was named later as "Tantalos Lake". The present name of the lake on the Yamanlar Mountain is Karagöl.